Another Visit From a Butterfly

I only had one assignment from my writing coach when I left Pittsburgh last week to spend 5 days in Belize at a women’s retreat. My intention was to step away and have some time for reflection, but our project is at the place where we need to establish a launch date...

Between the Worlds

Not only do we not “practice dying,” as Socrates advised his students, but most people in western culture know very little about the process of dying, and how to be with someone when that is what is transpiring. Of course, not all deaths can be accompanied, many...

Remembering a Favorite Aunt as Part of the Art of Grieving Well

The Fourth of July fireworks always remind me that summer has arrived, no matter what a struggle the spring weather had getting us here. Their nosy beauty also reminds me that my favorite aunt’s birthday is coming right behind. Aunt Dote died in 2004, shortly after...

The Remembering Rooms

It was a Saturday, the first in a long time, when I wasn’t out of town, or too tightly scheduled to consider a variation in the day’s routine. I put the regional newspaper in the front seat of my car when I left for my exercise class, thinking that, after class I’d...


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