Dancing On Behalf of Our Grieving Selves

I spent the weekend in Oakland CA at InterPlayce, the home of the art-based improvisational system InterPlay, (an active creative approach to unlocking the wisdom of the body.) I’ve been a proponent, participant, practitioner, performer, teacher  and altogether...

Why Pride Parades are Good for Our Communities’ Mental Health

  On a return flight to Pittsburgh earlier this week I listened again to the audio version of my now 10-year-old memoir, Warrior Mother, Fierce Love, Unbearable Loss, and Rituals that Heal. This refreshed my memory of what a struggle my youngest son Ken had with...

Gifts That Keep On Giving

Last week, on the first day of summer known as the summer solstice, thoughts and memories of my youngest son, Kenneth were close at hand. Friends and family members know this day as the anniversary of Kenneth’s death from complications of AIDS at age 31. They send...


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