“Grief takes your chi,” my acupuncturist told me after I returned from the funeral of my daughter. So always in times of grief, the dance of rest and stillness is important. But if you have gotten some rest and still feel that everything seems a physical effort, you may need to move. Try a dance we call in InterPlay, “Shape and Stillness.” You may play some of your favorite music as you begin.

  1. Lie down on your back and put one of your hands in the air.
  2. Make a shape with that hand and then, being sure to breathe fully while your hand stays in that shape, give yourself the gift of stillness.
  3. Then allow your hand to change into a different shape and, breathing fully, give yourself the gift of stillness in that shape.
  4. After awhile, you may feel like experimenting with getting the other hand involved, and each hand assumes a position or shape, while you give yourself the gift of stillness. (It’s fine if it takes quite awhile for your hands to feel like changing to a new shape.

A single hand dances

Another variation which can be done lying down or seated is what we call in InterPlay a Hand Dance.

  1. Allow one hand to move whatever way it wishes to move. Let go of any impulse to direct or control your hand.
  2. After a minute or so, you may invite the other hand to join. But again, don’t try to control the hand, just allow your hands to explore the movements that feel good to do.
  3. In finishing, allow your hands to bless you.


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