Ever since my new book, The Art of Grieving launched on May 16th magical synchronicities have been occurring. I had mentioned to longtime friend and art gallery owner Lauren Saba that I’d like to return sometime this summer to my former hometown and do a book event at her gallery. Shortly afterwards I got a text from Lauren who was on her way out of the country. She sent me a description of the artist that two jurors had just selected as the 2024 Gallery of Dreams summer artist-in-resident at Fort Works Art Gallery:


“Allie Regan Dickerson, a creative director and artist, channels her profound grief into her deeply introspective work. After the diagnosis and subsequent loss of her son to stage 4 lung cancer, Allie’s journey into the arts took on a new depth and meaning. Her latest series was conceptualized during long walks in nature as she navigated this personal loss, and it blurs the lines between sculpture and painting, exploring themes of repetition and discontinuation, brokenness and renewal, beauty and loss of beauty, and fragility and strength. Her work during the Gallery of Dreams Residency reflects her commitment to honoring her son’s memory and documenting her family’s journey through grief, inviting others to share in her story and reflect on their own experiences with loss.”

I think – I must meet and collaborate with this woman who also uses her art to express and process her grief.

Next, one of my best friends, co-author Christine Gautreaux’s father dies, and the memorial mass is scheduled the middle of July in Lancaster TX. a 30-minute drive from FW. And, since our family had not had a celebration of life for my kid sister Maureen who died suddenly just before last Christmas, and the Catholic Church she attended is in Gainesville, 65 miles northeast of Fort Worth, this seemed the time to get that arranged as well.

So, thanks to the Gallery of Dreams, a non-profit in Fort Worth TX that “champions contemporary artists and sparks creative experiences for positive community impact,” one of my dreams is coming true this Friday evening at 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm at the Fort Works Art Gallery. Ms. Dickerson and I will be demonstrating and sharing how engaging in our art forms has been instrumental in our own grief journeys. We’ll delve into the emerging field of neuroarts, which explains how engaging with the arts transforms our grief and loss experiences and makes the wisdom in them available to us in our future lives. We’ll explore Allie’s art studio on the second floor and use the arts of storytelling, dance, music, and voice to interact with the powerful artworks she has been creating there.

Event Highlights:

  • Open working artist’s studio with Allie Regan Dickerson
  • Books available for purchase and signing by Dr. Collins
  • An opportunity to support The Warm Place, with 15% of book sales benefiting the organization
  • A Q&A session and soulful conversations, and sparkling beverages to toast the Art of Grieving and Allie’s Gallery of Dreams Residency

If you live within driving distance – Join us for an evening that promises to be both moving and enlightening, as we celebrate the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of the arts.

When: Friday, July 19, 2024, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Address: 2100 Montgomery St. Fort Worth, TX. 76107

Need more information email sheilacollins@yahoo.com



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