Lessons for the Art of Grieving from a Queen’s Funeral

Queen Elizabeth’s four adult children walk slowly behind her casket as it moves through the main street of Edinburgh Scotland. Throngs of British subjects and their guests stand in respectful silence. The only audible sound–the clomping horses’ hooves on the street’s...

A Return to Celebrating Life or Why attend a funeral if you don’t have to?

This August seems to be funeral season for many members of my community. We’ve all been through a long moratorium on in- person funerals, and in-person weddings too for that matter. Respecting the danger of Covid we’d not wanted to wipe out entire families or...

Art of Grieving – Love

“What’s love got to do with it (grief)?” Tina Turner sang the answer to this question in this song from her 1984 album, “Private Dancer.” “Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?” It’s said that grief is the price we pay for love. Since we are destined to...

Grieving Personal Losses and Those in our Cultural Body

The 8 x 8 ft POD was dropped off in my Pittsburgh driveway early Friday morning. Filled to the brim with what I had deemed essential “treasures,” from the California house we were selling, I knew the drill. We had till Monday to empty the container and find a place...


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