The Keys

It’s Sunday morning and I’m in a rental car on my way to Iowa City. A folk song special on NPR radio station is allowing me to sing along with Peter Seeger, and Arlo Guthrie, helping the miles go by more gracefully. My cell phone rings and it’s my husband who’s in...

A Meditation for Grieving

In a situation where we are experiencing loss or the threat of loss, there is a strong need to change our state of consciousness, to spend some time in an altered state of consciousness. Don’t worry if you do not have a formal meditation practice. I’d like to share...

A Self-Caring Meditation

Harmony A number of years ago, when I was in the process of writing a book  about our most important responsibility, that of taking care of ourselves, I visited an art gallery in Texas. My best friend Rose had been there ahead of me, and she was most enthusiastic...


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