Summer Solstice and the Anticipatory Grief of Climate Change

Our relationship to time and temperature makes the June Summer Solstice date a special one to note In the Northern Hemisphere.  Dark, drab winter days are being replaced by more days of bright sunshine and longer daylight hours. As trees bud out and the storms of...

Event Planning and the Hospitality of Safe Air

“Clean Air Started Here,” declares the banners on the main street of Donora Pennsylvania near Pittsburgh. The signs refer to a tragic incident in 1949 when the town suffered an air inversion incident that caused the smog from the steel industry furnaces to hover low...

The Gifts of Story, Artmaking and the Connections They Produce

My writer friend Linda Meadowcroft has just released her compelling and meticulously researched biography, Ghost Eagles: The Spirit Journey of Artist Jan Beaver Gallione.  I wish for better skills in what I call, “writing about writing,” to communicate my excitement...

Grieving to Overcome Hate

I didn’t see the National news item when it was broadcast across the gigantic flat TV screen at the airport this morning. But I saw its effect in the eyes of my traveling companion. As he described its message to me, the churning sensations in my gut reminded me of...


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