EarthSprings Eternal, Nature’s Healing Spirit, Real Life Stories to Nurture the Soul, Sheri McGregor, Sowing Creek Press, San Marcus CA, 2018
“Learning the Art of Grieving,” The Road Ahead, Inspirational Stories of Open Hearts and Minds, Jane Seymour, Post Hill Press, 2017
Warrior Mother: Fierce Love, Unbearable Loss and Rituals that Heal. She Writes Press, 2013
Stillpoint: The Dance of Selfcaring, Selfhealing, a playbook for people who do caring work, TLC Productions, Fort Worth, TX. 1992
“He’s not crazy, He’s my brother,” Inside Out: Literature of Mental Illness, Editors; Eric Melbye & Literature for a Cause, Miami University, 2015. p. 29 – 38
“A Guy Thing.” The Examined Life Journal, Vol 3, Issue 2 Spring 2014, University of Iowa Carver School of Medicine, Iowa City Iowa, p 63 – 67
Stillpoint: A Self-Care Playbook for Caregivers to Find Ease, Time to Breathe, and Reclaim Joy, Earth Springs Press, 2018
“A Comparison of Top and Middle Level Women Administrators in Social Work, Nursing and Education: Career Supports and Barriers,” Administration in Social Work, vol. 8 no.2 summer 1984
“Women at the Top of Women’s Fields: Social Work, Nursing and Education,” book chapter in The Worth of Women’s Work: A Qualitative Synthesis, Edited by Anne Statham, Eleanor Miller, Hans Mauksch, Suny Press, New York, 1987, pp. 187-201
“Teaching Beyond the Medical Model: What Social Workers in Health Care Need To Know”, with Colleen Shannon, Journal of Teaching in Social Work, vol. 2 (2) 1988 pp. 131-144.
“Crossing the Gender Line: One Company’s Model of What Works,” working paper of The Women and Work Research and Resource Center, University of Texas at Arlington, 1987.
Issues in Cross Gender Employment,” Women and Work Selected Papers, 1986, University of Texas at Arlington
“Strategies of Successful Careers: Women Managers in Female Fields,” Women and Work Selected Papers, 1985, University of Texas at Arlington
“Career Paths of Executive and Professional Women,” with Marjie Barrett, in Women and Work Selected Papers, 1985, pp. 123-130.
“Models and Mentors For The College Campus: Developing Community Resources for Women’s Career Assistance,” with Marjie Barett and Richard Citrin, Journal of College Student Personnel, vol. 26,no. 4, July, 1985. pp, 368-369.
“Continuing Professional Education: Making Room For The Non- Traditional Student,” with Ezra Kohn, The New Campus, vol. XXXII, Spring 1979.