Social Work
Social Work seemed to grow out of my fascination with group dynamics and the co-operative self-education program at Monteith College, Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, where I did my undergraduate work. Teaching creative dance to young children at the same time as studying group therapy techniques ignited my lifelong interest in the arts as tools for individual and group expression and transformation.
Dancing professionally is something you do when you’re young, so I interrupted college after one year, pledging to return at a later time. After marriage and two children, when I was turned down by the city recreation department to teach dance because I didn’t have a college degree, I decided this was the time. I taught dance for the money to pay the baby sitters I needed while I attended my college classes and rehearsed with the Festival Dancers, a semi-professional dance company out of the Jewish Community Center.
After seven years of classes and internships (and the birth of another child somewhere in the mix), I had an undergraduate degree in philosophy, a teaching certificate, a year’s experience as a college teaching assistant, and a Masters in Social Work. Like most women I know, I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t doing at least two or three things simultaneously.
“If we’re not supposed to dance, why all this music?”