A Rose by any other Name

Driving back from our InterPlay session at the women’s shelter, two friends told me something about myself that I hadn’t noticed. Apparently, I have a tendency to refer to women in a group as “gals.” So much for my belief that living in Texas for 20 years hasn’t...


In order to meet my early morning plane in Omaha I drove the night before from Des Moines and settled into a motel just off a ramp from Hwy 80, about an hour from the airport.  This was as close as I could get since Omaha was hosting the College Baseball World Series...

Mad Women

Mad Men, the iconic television show of the 50s and 60s, has finally returned after an 18-month hiatus. I must admit to being a follower of the show, but the pause in the action has stretched and strained my connection to its characters and plot lines. The following...


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