Stage Grandmother

I locate my granddaughter in a group of costumed dancers in the wings stage left, on their break from the tech rehearsal for their dance recital. I’m relieved to find her and be able to hand her the small paper sack containing her lunch. “I wasn’t sure whether you...

Dancing For Life

When I awoke this morning I could tell I had danced last night. Some soreness in the muscles, yes, but the clarity and expansive feeling in my body – that’s the true, morning after reward. I try to dance some most days , but yesterday was a push beyond my usual....

Dancing Our Prayers

This coming Sunday March 20th is a full moon and the Spring Equinox. I am gathering some people here in Pittsburgh at 2:30 – 4:30 pm for a two part workshop, InterPlay: A Spiritual Practice for Embodied Worship. Our globe seems so small lately, and our fates and...


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