It started with itchy eyes and a runny nose. I hoped it was an allergic response to the changing season, to whatever those white feather-like things were that I’d seen floating through the air off our back deck. I kept to my scheduled activities but it soon became clear that, whatever started this; the zinc lozenges I was sucking on every couple of hours weren’t going to do the trick.

I don’t get sick often, but when it happens, after my own home remedies fail; my first stop is the local drugstore for a consult with the pharmacist. The complexity of the offerings and the side effects of over the counter medicines mean I need the advice of someone with their degrees and experience. Even then, the remedies aren’t simple. Turns out, bodies react differently to the same ingredients. I found this out the hard way years ago when my son and I took a cough medicine that contained an anti-histamine. Contrary to the warning label that name

s drossiness as a side effect, we both were wide-awake all night. When I mentioned this to the pharmacist they said, “Oh yes, that’s a paradoxical reaction. 30% of people have that reaction to antihistamines.” How come that’s not on the label?

Also, companies change their formulas from time to time due to changing regulations (some items are now behind the counter) so what worked once may not work again. The first medicine I took had no effect on my symptoms as they worsened. After I returned to the drugstore the next day, a second medication worked better, but I had to accept the fact that I had an illness and it was going to run its course. It was time to lower my standards and execute Plan B.

In order to continue to do some version of my life, I must dial down and conserve what energy I now have. One of my self-care activities is Zumba, but a whole class is too much, so I do a half a class. If I’m careful not to overexert, it still opens my breathing and stimulates self-generated anti-depressant chemicals, which I need to get well. I can get some things on my “to do” list done if I take naps, but the recliner works better than a bed. And reaching out for support from friends is better on the phone. Wouldn’t want to share these microorganisms with anyone.

What are your go-to practices when you’re under the weather?



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