Here we are in the time of our yearly transition–looking back and remembering the past year. We’re saying good-bye to the old year, (the bearded man stooped over his cane) and while at the same time, greeting and looking ahead into this new year, (the diapered baby draped with the just-being-born-new year clearly labeled on him.) Depending on how many of these transitions you have had and what those experiences have been like in recent years, you may not want to give much attention to this event, just see it as a mark on the calendar. I’m sure it’s been that for me some years. But this year seemed special as I look back, enjoying the highlight of my book The Art of Grieving finally coming together enough to launch. From years of development––meditations, reflections, conversations, blogs, presentations, and collaborations with other artists to a book you can hold in your hand and formally launch–that’s a huge transition by itself. Many of you reading this note have been a part of these activities and the “village” it took to create this book––please accept my deepest gratitude. And I’d love to have you with me as I work to get it out into the larger world.

Our holiday family reunion is just coming to an end as I am writing this. Seventeen people came and went to and from Palm Springs California throughout the week from Pennsylvania and Nebraska, Massachusetts, Nevada, and New Mexico, and several towns in California. It took a spread sheet to figure out how many places to set at the dinner table for each meal. Despite the challenges there were multiple special moments of sharing memories of past reunions as well as opportunities to create new ones.

It will take a while to process the richness of this week though I got a head start during a phone conversation with a dear friend from back home a couple of days ago. She knows many back stories of the characters in my family tree, so her listening skills helped me recognize and acknowledge some major and minor miracles that occurred in our time together. There is such power in being surrounded by those to whom you belong and that belong to you.

We head for home this Thursday, quite tired, yet full of gratitude and ideas to follow up on in the coming year. I hope that your holidays have provided you with similar gifts as well. Going forward – Here are some of the classes, groups and keynote speeches I am looking forward to in 2025.

  • Radical Self Care Series Class online with Christine Gautreaux resumes Tuesday January 7 2025 at 11:30 am eastern, recurring weekly
  • Friday InterPlay Playshop online resumes January 10th 2025
  • Art of Grieving online class begins Tuesday January 14, 2025, at 3 pm eastern time, recurring monthly on the second Tuesday of each month
  • Keynote speech in Pittsburgh February 26, 2025 at Fox Chapel Rotary Club
  • Keynote speech for Temple Rodof Shalom Brotherhood, Sunday May 4, 2025
  • Pre-Conference Workshop at the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association Conference in Endicott College in Beverly, Mass. June 19, 2025
  • Keynote at the IEATA 16th International Conference – Sunday June 22, 2025

Another note: My weekly blogs are moving to the Substack platform so watch for that soon. Meanwhile – I hope to connect with you in an online class or through a written communication, at a workshop or during a collaborative art project. May this New Year bring you long awaited gifts and opportunities for joyful collaborations.


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