How the Spiral is a Perfect Model for Grieving

Spirals are found in every aspect of nature. They are seen in the unfurling of fern leaves, the shape of snail shells, the arrangement of flower pedals, the cochlea of the inner ear. Not just a simple circle, the path of the spiral changes levels as it grows or moves...

Why Pride Parades are Good for Our Communities’ Mental Health

  On a return flight to Pittsburgh earlier this week I listened again to the audio version of my now 10-year-old memoir, Warrior Mother, Fierce Love, Unbearable Loss, and Rituals that Heal. This refreshed my memory of what a struggle my youngest son Ken had with...

The Remembering Rooms

It was a Saturday, the first in a long time, when I wasn’t out of town, or too tightly scheduled to consider a variation in the day’s routine. I put the regional newspaper in the front seat of my car when I left for my exercise class, thinking that, after class I’d...


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