Grieving Our Covid Losses

Like many other writers during the Covid pandemic shutdown I decided to use the time I was being given to write a new book. For a grief advocate the situation was offering continuous, unprecedented, multiple examples of losses in need of processing. And, at the bottom...

The Creative Process and What Keeps Us Going On

“When can I get an actual book?” my friends ask me, and it reminds me again of how long creative projects take. The ideas and inspiration can take seconds but the implementation–years. In fact, lots of things take longer than we can ever imagine, especially if...

Doing Love Out Loud

Today is the 4th anniversary of the mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in my hometown, Pittsburgh, PA. Eleven people were murdered in their house of worship, impacting hundreds and thousands of others in their families, neighborhoods, towns, and countries....

Art of Grieving – Love

“What’s love got to do with it (grief)?” Tina Turner sang the answer to this question in this song from her 1984 album, “Private Dancer.” “Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?” It’s said that grief is the price we pay for love. Since we are destined to...


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