The Art of Grieving on Substack!

I came to writing later than most people if we don’t count writing in a private journal, and the invitation to write that I got from Sister Mercia, my 9th grade home room teacher at Sacred Heart Academy in Louisville Ky. She saw her role as a teacher to be one of...

The Gifts of Remembering

One of the cruelest outcomes of the “put it all behind you” and “move on with your life,” philosophy of managing loss is that we miss out on the gifts and life lessons that come through remembering. In a couple of recent events, I have been reminded of some of those...

Summer Solstice and the Anticipatory Grief of Climate Change

Our relationship to time and temperature makes the June Summer Solstice date a special one to note In the Northern Hemisphere.  Dark, drab winter days are being replaced by more days of bright sunshine and longer daylight hours. As trees bud out and the storms of...


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