Spring Cleaning

When we used to have long harsh winters, the impulse in the first days of spring was to open the windows and doors and let the house breathe some fresh air. I remember when the women of the house would pull the linens off the beds, and the curtains off the windows,...

Mad Women

Mad Men, the iconic television show of the 50s and 60s, has finally returned after an 18-month hiatus. I must admit to being a follower of the show, but the pause in the action has stretched and strained my connection to its characters and plot lines. The following...

Dancing For Life

When I awoke this morning I could tell I had danced last night. Some soreness in the muscles, yes, but the clarity and expansive feeling in my body – that’s the true, morning after reward. I try to dance some most days , but yesterday was a push beyond my usual....


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